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Category: Press Releases

Press Release Sample #2: Personnel Announcement

DATE: December 15, 2012
CONTACT: Heather Tindall, Marketing Director, Rushford
PHONE: 203.555.1212

Rushford Names Public Relations and Marketing Manager

(Meriden, CT). —  Carol A. Vassar has been named to the new position of Public Relations and Marketing Manager at Rushford, a Hartford HealthCare partner providing addiction and mental health treatment programs for children, teens and adults at sites across Connecticut

“Carol comes to Rushford with a strong background in public health, media relations and education,” said Heather Tindall, Director of Marketing for Hartford HealthCare Behavioral Health Network. “She will be working on projects ranging from social media to publications, all with a focus of educating the public on issues associated with addiction and mental illness and the services Rushford provides to individuals and their families who are dealing with disease in their lives.”

Vassar was previously employed for two years at Capital Community College in Hartford, where in addition to teaching health information technology she worked on public relations and course development for the school’s Division of Continuing Education. From 2005 until 2011, she was Executive Assistant to the Commissioner for the Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH), tackling media relations, public education and research on varied topics including stem cell research, chronic and infectious diseases, mental health transformation, provider licensing and school based health centers. Previous to that assignment, Vassar worked as Communications Manager for the American Red Cross Blood Services, Connecticut Region and as a news anchor/reporter and Public Service Director for WTIC Radio. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in music from the University of Connecticut and a Master of Science in Interactive Communications and Media from Quinnipiac University.

“As an advocate for mental health and addiction prevention, I’m delighted to be working in a field about which I am passionate,” Vassar said. “I’ve seen the effect of both addiction and mental illness in the lives of friends and family, and I understand that more needs to be done to open a dialogue and erase fear and misunderstanding.”

Vassar is also an avid bicyclist and spends time hiking, reading, playing soccer or simply enjoying her three children and three dogs. She will be based at Rushford’s Meriden office.

Rushford, a Hartford HealthCare partner, provides inpatient and outpatient substance abuse and mental health services to thousands of children, adolescents, adults and families each year. For more than 35 years, Rushford has been offering proven, individualized and compassionate care to its clients throughout Connecticut and beyond.


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Press Release Sample #1: Event

DATE: September 1, 2013
CONTACT: Carol Vassar, PR & Marketing Manager, Rushford
PHONE: 203.238.6856

Public Invited to Forum in Glastonbury on Youth Mental Health

(Glastonbury, CT). —  Rushford, a Hartford HealthCare partner, working with the Glastonbury Alcohol & Drug Council, is sponsoring a public forum on youth and mental health. The forum takes place on Wednesday, Oct. 23, from 6:30 – 8 p.m. at the Riverfront Community Center, 300 Welles St., Glastonbury. This event is free and open to the public.

“It is important to discuss openly and honestly the mental health issues that affect young people,” said Rushford President & CEO Jeff Walter. “We invite participation from parents and grandparents, teachers and other school staff, coaches, healthcare providers and caregivers, social workers, parole and public safety officers – anyone with an interest in the mental well-being of children, adolescents and young adults.”

This forum is part of the commitment of Hartford HealthCare affiliates to improve public understanding of mental health issues by holding open discussions on the topic throughout the region. This youth-centered forum will concentrate on issues such as anxiety and depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, self-injury, eating disorders and alcohol and drug use as well as stigma, risk factors for mental illness, navigating the mental health system and Youth Mental Health First Aid.

Panelists include psychiatrist J. Craig Allen, MD, Chief Medical Officer for Rushford; psychologist Barbara-Ward Zimmerman, Ph.D; college student and youth consumer Meagan Allen; and Rushford Prevention Services Manager Sheryl Sprague.

Intercommunity Mental Health of East Hartford is also a partner on this event, and will have an informational table regarding their services.

For more information or to RSVP to this event, contact Carol Vassar at, or 203-238-6856.


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